State Education Department Proposes Regulations for Nonpublic School Students

STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PROPOSES REGULATIONS FOR “SUBSTANTIALLY EQUIVALENT INSTRUCTION” FOR NONPUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS Over the last few days, many schools have been reaching out asking you to lend your voice in the prevention of unnecessary oversight of independent schools in New York State. On July 3rd, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) issued proposed READ MORE

Is Your Child Eligible for “Medicaid Waiver” Benefits? By Jean Marie Brescia

New York State’s Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) provides funding for supports and services for children with developmental disabilities under the age of 18, without regard to families’ income, through a “Medicaid Waiver” program. It is characterized as a “waiver” program because parental income is not part of the eligibility determination. Medicaid waiver READ MORE